Idris Gawr surveys existence atop this gentle peak: is that fig & plum mingled among the biscuits? that soft brightness; orange zest & cinnamon with a touch of red currants? everything deep, nothing brash; wonder & beauty!
Who is Idris Gawr? Click here.
- 63% Maris Otter Malt: Warminster Organic Maris Otter
- 37% Munich Malt: Dingemans Organic Munich
- First Wort Hop 0.95#/bbl Organic First Gold
- Whirlpool 0.7#/bbl Organic First Gold
abv range:
- 10.1-10.3
process notes
- RO water plus CaCl in mash, NaCl & MgSO4 in kettleĀ
- Mash to reduce protein and for dryness with rests at 51 C, 62 C, and 68 C
- Pitch temp 62-64 F, keep below 69 F for 48 hours, then let free rise
- Final gravity ~4.5 P
tasting notes
Rich malt just dominates with impressions of plum, quick bread, golden syrup, rum, and challah. Marmalade and daisy hop flavor and a medium bitterness balance the malt and increase drinkability. Mostly dry finish, with dark fruits and rich bread lingering along with a bit of bitterness and orangey hops.